settign up SFLM in Code::Blocks

I showed the Code::Block the location of lib and include. I added them manually. I but the .dll files in the project folder. I but the files needed in linker in project options. It compiles, but it is supposed to create a window but i onyl get CMD and it freezez, nothing happens after CMD opens. im tyring to do this
step by step what i did:
1) downloaded Code::Blocks
2) Unisntalled Code::BLocks Cause it didnt have Mi... something. CodeBlock file didtndisappear, cause no rigth(although i have amdin rights)
3) isntalled Code::BLocks with Ming....
4)Downloaded SFLM
5) followed instructiosn on the SFLM page tutorials on how to install it.
6) did everything it said me to do
7) run the example file there(runned fine in console)
8)took next lesson copyed the code to see if this works.
9) didnt work, so i messed with the linkings, but the -lsflm-window in the project options
10) it compiled it, but when running it opens CMD and then crashes

So what i did wrong???
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