Error with platform?

So i am trying to do the "Learn C++ in 21 Days" i downloaded this borland compiler and i am just trying to the the

1: #include <iostream.h>
3: int main()
4: {
5: cout << "Hello World!\n";
6: return 0;
7: }

part of day one and i get this error everytime

Checking project dependencies...
Compiling Package1.cbproj (Debug, Win32)
[Error Error] Invalid PLATFORM variable "HPD". PLATFORM must be one of the following: "Win32", "Win64", or "OSX32". If PLATFORM is defined by your system's environment, it must be overridden in the RAD Studio IDE or passed explicitly on the command line to MSBuild; e.g., /p:Platform=Win32.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.4

if anyone knows and could help me out with this that would be awsome
im using Windows 7 x64 aswell

thanks in advance :)
Try first of all NOT using Borland C++ compiler. Get something like gcc ( or MinGW (

Do you have an HP computer/laptop?
I would ABSOLUTELY RECOMMEND other compilers.Why not 'Dev C++'? you can get it from here:
I essentially agree with what's been said. I don't think Borland's been changed since the 1990's ( ), so you probably shouldn't use that.

However, I don't recommend Dev C++ either. Firstly it's an IDE, not a compiler in itself. (An IDE is an integrated development environment: it ties together a nice editor with a compiler toolset and various other tools). Secondly the version on that site is several years out of date with no new updates in sight (see here: ).

There are other updated version of Dev C++ out there, but if you're not set on that IDE, I recommend another such as Code::Blocks:

On Windows, MinGW is a good choice. It is a port of the popular UNIX compiler toolset GCC. You can either download and install MinGW with Code::Blocks (easier) or download and install a separate MinGW, which Code::Blocks should still autodetect for you.
You can download MinGW-Get-Inst here
It can install MinGW and some optional additional tools for you.

Switch to a nice modern compiler, and you probably won't get those horrible error messages anymore.
Yes im using an HP desktop and the only reason i went with borland is cause that was what the tut had suggested i was also trying Microsoft VS 2010 and getting errors with that program as well it very well could be me but the codes are all typed in as shown above...So im trying to go with miniGW and i went to
and it installs something called the miniGW Shell witch when i open it, it opens a command window...not sure if its something i did wrong or something else i didn't do like the Code::Blocks you were saying came with it so i dont need to download in addition to miniGW correct? sorry for such nooob questions lol

Thanks again i got 3 replies here before i got one from the borland site xD haha

Why not 'Dev C++'?

For the version you pointed the OP at, because of these reasons:

crazycreator wrote:
1: #include <iostream.h>

If that's from the book you're using it looks horribly out of date. I recommend looking at these learning resources:

trying Microsoft VS 2010 and getting errors with that program

I would say those errors are probably the fault of the outdated source code in your tutorial. For example, the #include <iostream.h> which Galik mentioned.

Learn from an updated tutorial (there's one on this site if you don't want to buy a book: ), and then you should be able to successfully work with Microsoft Visual C++ or MinGW.

it installs something called the miniGW Shell

I don't recall it installing that for me... anyway, it doesn't matter. As a beginner it might be easier for you to select the Code::Blocks with MinGW download for the moment. On the downloads page
select codeblocks-10.05mingw-setup.exe.

If you do use MinGW-Get-Inst you can probably deselect any components you don't want, such as MSYS, via the install wizard.
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