
Is there a way to force the computer to display more than 6 digits of a double? For example, I input something like: 234567.89 and it displays it as 234567. btw, I am trying to make a program that takes two doubles and prints them like this:

I have been successful where the amount of digits involved was limited to 6, but cannot seem to make it work with more than that, and this is bad for business...
You need to play around with the I/O manipulators

Good luck!
I got something that works!! Thanks so much!!
By the way, I have unable to make all my programs one (because I still can't figure out what to do when using a makefile and using Code::Blocks), but I was wondering: can you compile programs on a MAC, and does a MAC have the same textfile and Excel file extensions as Windows (.txt and .xls, respectively)? My programs, created on a Windows desktop, don't work on a MAC (and no, there is no system() commands used), and most of my clients will probably have to use a MAC. This could cripple me...
You can never use a Windows program on a Mac. You need to get a second compiler that builds for Macs and rebuild the program.

I have no experience working with Macs, but there is supposedly a build of gcc available for them that might be included with the OS. The only problem is that you will need access to a Mac to be able to use this compiler.

Extensions are nothing more than part of the file name in almost all cases. You could save a text file as a .gibberish and you would still be able to open it with Notepad, although Windows would not be able to guess what program opens it. As far as I know, Mac programs use the same extensions as the Windows versions, but it probably doesn't matter if they don't.
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