int choices ()
int choice; // This doesn't need to be passed into the argument. Make it local.
char letter; // This is best as a char
cout << "Would you like to:\nA. Punch\nB. Kick\nC. Slash\nD. Use Magic\nE. Use A Potion\nF. Commit Suicide\nPlease enter the letter of your choice:";
// A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6
bool valid_input = false; // loop until the input is valid.
while (!valid_input)
cin >> letter;
switch (letter) // Implement a switch statement instead of else-if
choice = 1; valid_input = true; break;
choice = 2; valid_input = true; break;
choice = 3; valid_input = true; break;
choice = 4; valid_input = true; break;
choice = 5; valid_input = true; break;
choice = 6; valid_input = true; break;
cout << "You did not enter a valid choice. Please try again: ";
return choice;
Regarding damage1():
Functions cannot return two values. Actually you don't really need to return choice at all and you don't need to pass damage. I'd replace that function with:
int damage1(int choice) // Damage does not need to be input here
//move srand to the main, if we call it multiple times we can get some non-random behavior
case 1:
return rand() % 10 + 5; //returning the damage done only
case 2:
return rand() % 15 + 5; // You could set a variable int damage (declared locally)
case 3: // so damage = rand() % 30 + 1;
return rand() % 30 + 1; // then return only damage at the end.
case 4:
return rand() % 75 + -50;
case 5:
return (rand() % 100 + 25) * -1; // Times -1 because it is healing, not damage.
case 6:
return rand() % 100 + 50;
return 0; //protection case if choice is invalid.
the computer() function isn't bad, but damage does not need to be inserted into the function because it is not used. Make damage a local variable.
Also, there is the == vs = that people have mentioned.
Finally, it would be nice to see this as a general function that can be used for any player (computer or you). For that reason, lets change the "You kicked" to a more variable solution. I'd do the following (I'm also trying to keep your code in tact so you can see the changes better).
int computer(int choice, string name)
int damage = 0; //Make this local
if (choice == 1)
damage = damage1 (choice);
cout << name << " punched the enemy for " << damage << " healh" << endl; //Add the name at the start so this function can be used for both sides
elseif (choice == 2)
damage = damage1 (choice);
cout << name << " kicked the enemy for " << damage << " healh" << endl; // Add endl at the end.
elseif (choice == 3)
damage = damage1 (choice);
cout << name << " slashed the enemy for " << damage << " healh" << endl;
elseif (choice == 4)
damage = damage1 (choice);
cout << name << " used magic on the enemy for " << damage << " healh" << endl;
elseif (choice == 5)
damage = damage1 (choice);
cout << name << " used a potion which restored " << damage << " healh" << endl;
elseif (choice == 6)
damage = 9999; // Set damage or nothing will happen
cout << name << " commited suicide. Now that wasn't very smart" << endl;
return damage;
int main()
int yhealth = 999, ehealth = 999, choice;
cout << "Battle: Begin!" << endl;
while (yhealth > 0 && ehealth > 0)
displayhealth(yhealth, ehealth);
//Your move
choice = choices();
ehealth -= computer(choice, "You"); //Subtract damage from computers health
//Computer move
choice = (rand() % 6) + 1; // Let the computer make a hit.
yhealth -= computer(choice, "Computer"); //I also put the person dealing damage here as an input.
return 0;
Stick all of this together and you've got something that nearly works. I tried it out and found that the suicide and potion conditions are still not great because damage should be done to yourself and instead you do that damage to the other person.
int main()
int yhealth = 999, ehealth = 999, choice, damage;
srand(time(NULL)); // The random seed is done in the main once and only once.
cout << "Battle: Begin!" << endl;
while (yhealth > 0 && ehealth > 0)
displayhealth(yhealth, ehealth);
//Your move
choice = choices();
damage = computer(choice, "You");
if (choice < 5) //Doing damage to the enemy
ehealth -= damage; //Subtract damage from computers health
else //Doing damage to yourself
yhealth -= damage; //Subtract damage from your health
//Computer move
choice = (rand() % 5) + 1; // Let the computer make a hit.
damage = computer(choice, "Computer");
if (choice < 5)
yhealth -= damage;
ehealth -= damage;
return 0;
I made corrections to his functions and highlighted differences in comments. To be any fun, this would only be a small function in a program and would need some modifying.
Guess I still need a little more learning to do! I still don't entirely understand switch statements and that is why I didn't use them. Sorry for the inconvenience. I will try to put all your suggestions into my code. Thanks for the help!