Multipling multipal decimals

Help needed. I'm writing a simple code that computes metric and imperial measurements, however when I try this multiplication "output =(input*0.001)*0.001"
it gives me the answer in scientific notation "1e-006", but what I want to display is "0.000001"

Any help would be appreciated!
show your piece of code so i can have a better idea and test myself

try cout << showpoint << variable;
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I'll try that one also, but I found a solution. Here is a piece of the code:

if (unit == "J" || unit == "j" )
output = input * 1;
std::cout<<"Wieght is "<<std::fixed<<output<<"(mg)\n";

I used "fixed" in my output statement to show the numbers in non-scientific form, or use "scientific"
instead of "fixed" to show your number and anything behind the decimal will be in scientific notation. Thx for your input though.
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