A website talking about algorithms and data structures ??

I am just a beginner to algorithms and data structures and I am looking for a website that has tutorials about DS&A. It's better that the website has implements in C/C++. I have googled for a long time and I just couldn't find one.

Thanks for helping.
programming-challenges from skiena
programming-challenges from skiena

thanks for your answers

I have read the book Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++, but the book didn't teach how to use the data structures(I finished the dynamic array code, but I don't know how to use it). About programming-challenges from skiena, I think that it is not for beginners. Because I am a freshman to university, I haven't learned something like "discrete math", usually that kind of books are too hard for me.

I want to find a website like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_tree got definition and pseudocode , but not just list the data structure like wiki, I want a systematically tutorial.
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