Calculator fail.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main(){

cout << "Press 1 for addition.\n" << "Press 2 for subtraction.\n" << "Press 3 for multiplication.\n" << "Press 4 for divison.\n";

int array[50];

cin >> array[1]; cout << endl;

cout << "Pick 2 numbers to add";
cout << endl;
cin >> array[2];
cout << endl;
cin >> array[3];
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << array[4];
cout << endl;

cout << "Pick 2 numbers to subtract";
cout << endl;
cin >> array[2];
cout << endl;
cin >> array[3];
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << array[4];
cout << endl;

cout << "Pick 2 numbers to multiply";
cout << endl;
cin >> array[2];
cout << endl;
cin >> array[3];
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << array[4];
cout << endl;

cout << "Pick 2 numbers to subtract";
cout << endl;
cin >> array[2];
cout << endl;
cin >> array[3];
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << array[4];
cout << endl;

cout << "I'm sorry. That is invalid";
return main();

return 0;

Can someone tell me why the else function won't work?
When I did 5 it did the add function.
= is an assignment operator.
== is a test operator.
More exactely, in the if statement I think that you wanted to compare the second array-component with the integer value - 1. So what are you doing is wrong because if(array[1]=1) tests if that array-component can assign the integer 1 which is always true. I think you wanted to write if(array[1]==1) which tests if that component of array has memorized the value 1. As ciphermagi says, == is a test operator.
Your program seems to be a bit buggy. you need to nest your if statements. as of now you choose option one but it runs through the other options as well.

else if(statement)
else if(statement)
then the propper amount of closing brackets.
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else is not a function
main is a function
if, else-if, else are functions
while, do-while, for are loops
if, else-if, else are functions

(emphasis mine)

if, else if, and else are not functions. They're basic control structures like loops.
sorry typo thats what i meant
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