Compiler/IDE Suggestion?

I'm trying to see if there is another compiler besides MinGW or gcc, both of which are the same thing. Do you have any suggestions? Also, an IDE would be nice.

Also, I avoid Cygwin after the nightmare I had with Linux. Sry!
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I use CodeBlocks and it seems to be a fine IDE.

Why do you want a different compiler?
There's a list of options half-way down this page:

Why do you want to switch away from GCC? It's a fine compiler. If you want to switch, give Clang++ (atop the LLVM) a go. It's got some very helpful diagnostic messages.
^ I just want to try something different, that's all. :)

Code::Blocks is loaded with features I don't need.
Code::Blocks is loaded with features I don't need.

So? Don't use them then.
Did you also stop using your car because you usually don't need its airbag feature or what?
Use a text editor if you want something that uses the bare minimum
Assuming you're on Windows, most people go with Visual Studio.

Also, out of curiosity what was so bad about Linux?
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