How do I make an icon for my program?

Hi I'm really new to C++, and have a question.

I'm wondering - is there a way (that isn't incredibly complex and does not require lots of C++ experience) to make an icon for a program I make?

I thought it might be nice if I could make icons for my programs, but I don't know how to. Is there an option in compilers to make a .ico file the icon for the program? My compiler is Dev-C++.
Your compiler isn't Dev-C++ (that's the GCC). Your IDE is. Better get a newer/better one.

Usually it's rather easy to have your own icon. It depends on what framework you're using for the gui. And no compilers don't care for icons. Sometimes the IDE does. But there're also external programs where you can design the gui and get the required files for your project. It depends on what framework (QT/wxwidget/.NET) you're using.
I use wxDEV_C++ but assume the method is similar.

In Project>Project Options on the General tab are buttons where you can select an icon from those bundled with the IDE or browse for an .ico file.
You should get Code::Blocks, it is simple and free (and that is the only way that I know how to do this

1) Create a new project ad put all your code inside it
2) Create a newfile called "resource.rc"
3) Make sure the file is added to your project
4) type 1 ICON "the location of your icon here"
5) compile your program

If this is to complex you might want to look up a tutorial on the basics of code::blocks, ok
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