Making a game

Pages: 123
Your 12? I would first get comfortable with c++, and using the STL. You should feel fine using this without any help before you attempt any kind of graphics programming. And I would also start with a 2d game, that way you get comfortable setting up a window and how painting works etc.
SFML is the favorite of this forum in terms of game libraries, so you would be wise to heed by the previous posters recommendations for it.

Online tutorials won't get you very far, learning to program games is best learned by writing and reading code. Writing code will quickly familiarize you with your library of choice. Reading code will help you with program design, as well as efficient techniques for performing tasks like collision detection/resolution and more advanced topics like embedding a scripting language into your game. It's important to be more than comfortable with C++ before you begin learning a game library. First of all, the SFML tutorial expects that you understand concepts like functions, pointers, Object-Oriented programming (encapsulation, copy control, operator overloading), and everything that precedes this. Secondly, it will make the actual game development process much easier, because you can focus on programming the game and not reading up on C++.


Also, whoever said to use Java... no.
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OK one thing. Why am I such a noob? Because of my surroundings. Nobody in my town is capable of handling computers outside of Facebook and Office, and I am fed up. So I want to learn code.
I think Resident Biscuit was just doing some friendly hazing. I doubt he had bad intentions. You're a novice to programming, and that's not something to be ashamed of. So there's no need to take offense when someone points out a fact.

Or maybe he was just being an asshole.
Oh! Sorry yea no, no offense was intended at all. And I apologize if it came across that way. I was just trying to make sure you were getting a solid grasp on the language before you handle something as daunting as game development. C++ can be a scary language in itself, I would hate for a potentially bright programming mind to be scared off by trying to tackle game development (arguably one of the hardest areas to program), in C++ (one of the harder, higher level, languages out there) at such an early age with so little experience.
Honestly, if you want to get into game development, I would pick up something like dark basic. Relatively easy, and you get the hang of programmatic structure. OR, if you want to tackle something with a little more challenge, but also with a more worth experience wise, pick up Java. Java has some really good built in graphics libraries and GUI libraries. Java is also object - oriented, so a lot of concepts will carry over to C++, and the syntax is pretty similar. But, Java makes creating a window (frame in Java) relatively simple, and the graphics libraries are quite user friendly. If you have any more questions, I'd love to help you out.
Honestly, if you want to get into game development, I would pick up something like dark basic.

Thumbs up to this. I started out with Blitz3D and DarkBasic Pro. You can download the free version of DarkBasic Pro to learn how graphics work and how to add shaders and such into it. Its how I did it with my Virtual Terrain that I have. Its made in BASIC with DBP. It also forces you to learn a few things about how graphics work in general. How games are made etc etc.

From there, once I got as far as I could with it, I changed gears to learning C++ with OpenGL.

Keep in mind, I never finished my game with DarkBasic Pro because the creators no longer support it. Its been a HUGE complaint from their website forums for about a year at least now. So use it to learn, but only to learn.
Java has some really good built in graphics libraries and GUI libraries

My experiences with Swing have been less than "good." Actually, my experiences with Java have been less than "good."

Also, I don't really place Game Development as one of the hardest fields of programming, but it certainly does propose more challenges than straight application development if that's what you mean.
Well, I'd say working with 3D graphics and a custom built engine would prove to be quite challenging
I'm not a JAVA fan either. Its why I chose to go from BASIC to C++. Not saying anything negative about JAVA, just saying its a personal prefference.

As for the hardest thing to develop in any piece of software, I would have to say a 3D game engine from scratch. The only reason I say this is because anyone could make the engine, but to make it fast and efficient / effective is where it boils down to what algorithms you use.

For me, i'm not worried about engines and APIs etc etc.. my issue is Socket - TCP / IP - UDP programing. I am getting there.. but man I am having issue trying to get my head around it. But I will not give up. I got this.. lol
I would say OS development and Compiler development are much harder fields.
=/ I think 2D Game Dev is hard enough, depending on the complexity of the project your doing. Especially if it's your first :-)
I would say OS development and Compiler development are much harder fields.

Not necessarily. Depends on what you're actually trying to achieve though.
I would say OS development and Compiler development are much harder fields.

Not necessarily. Depends on what you're actually trying to achieve though.

Can't you use that argument for anything?

=/ I think 2D Game Dev is hard enough, depending on the complexity of the project your doing. Especially if it's your first :-)

It certainly is, but even then making I hold that making a tiny OS would be harder.
I would say OS development and Compiler development are much harder fields.

Certainly more complex overall but from an individual's standpoint it's not always true. Lots of high level math involved in custom graphics engine design.
Hmm. Probably. I haven't tried it so I can't say anything. Though I've observed a friend work on OS Development, and I have to admit, it looked pretty complex.
code assassin, can you reply to the mail i sent you?
OK, screw making a game. Where should i start? I know basic cin, cout, stuff very basic like that.
Get a book.
Pages: 123