Cross platform? Why not just use Java then? No work needed to make it cross platform, and it has some nice build in GUI libraries. If you don't know, Java is pretty similar to c++, just dumbed down essentially.
You are right, SFML does not run in the console, it runs in a window, and based on that alone it will only work on windows computers. But if that is not an issue that i would firs recommend learning how to program in windows.
This is a VERY good tutorial about how to make windows
You are obviously a newbie, so giving you some 20,000 lines of source code will only make you want to quit. Learn something like OpenGl, SFML, or something and then ask a specific question, like "how do i rotate this ..." or something. What you want is very broad. Any of the tutorials we provide would require knowing one of these, if you don't know them it is like asking how to write a game in Assembly without actually knowing how to program in assembly. So if you are looking for some copy-paste code then you are out of luck, because games are a whole lot more complex then that. Whereas if you know how to program in a specific graphics language like the ones I just mentioned then we can talk, but your question is to broad for a newbie.
I am 12 years old. So yes, I am a noob. I just want a link to a good C++ tutorial that will lead to developing games. Thanks for the help CodeAssassin.