Write Memory address

Hey i need some help i have made a d3d menu to turn on chams in game i just want to type chams on with the in game text i found this with all the addresses i just dont know how to put it together in c++
would some one ba able to show me how its done thanks so much

From 0xBAACD0 To 0xBAB0BF is text that gets drawn to the screen

each one is 128 bytes and they all have a different 'style' as you'll see below.

and here they are:

How i will state these:
Address - Vertical pos, Horizontal pos, Text Colour, Text Style, eg. of what it's used for

NOP 0x588FA9 (6 Bytes) to make the below addy work

0xBAB040 - Bottom, Middle, White, Plain, Stunt Bonus Info

NOP 0x58905E (6 Bytes) to make the below addys work (note: some already work without NOPing this address)

0xBAAEC0 - Top, Middle, Orange, Black Outline, ?

0xBAAFC0 - Top, Middle, Blue, Bold+Black Outline, ?

0xBAAF40 - Center, Center, White, Black Outline+Small+Fades Out, ?

0xBAAE40 - Center, Center, Orange, Black Outline+Small, ?

0xBAADC0 - Center, Center, White, Black Outline+That cool like 16th century font, ?

0xBAAD40 - Bottom, Right, Orange, Black Outline+Medium+Fades Out, Mission Title

0xBAACC0 - Center, Center, Orange, Black Outline+Medium+Fade Out+Cool FadeIn/Out Effect, "Mission Complete"

For the address below, you can put whatever data you want into it then, to make it appear set 0xBAA475 to 88 (58 Hex)
To make it dissapear again set it back to zero (if the game continously resets this try NOPing 0x58B91E (6 bytes).
NOP 0x69DBB8 (3 bytes) prevent the game from using this textbox.

0xBAA480 - top, left, white, In transerant box, used at start of game to tell you how to use the bike.

havent tested for all but using the tag ~b~ will make text from that point on blue, just
as ~g~ will make it green and ~r~ red etc. (edit: it does work with all of them)
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