Getting the basics.

I am new to C++ and I got most of the stuff down, however, I want practice from experience. I am completely doing this on my own and teaching myself, however, since I don't have any guidance, I want to know some programming ideas and how they would benefit me. Thanks in advance!
"the most of the stuff down"? What that supose to mean? You know OOP in C++ and STL? If so,...anyway be more exact because C++ is a very complex programming language.
I don't think I understand you when you say:

...I want to know some programming ideas and how they would benefit me.

Do you mean project ideas? What do you mean when you say programming ideas?
See, specific is what I am having trouble with. I just wanted some basic console application ideas. You know, simple basic things in order to get started in C++.
a game
a calculator
a calendar
an adress book

25% of c++ is imagination
Make a string reversal program.
You can make something where you enter values and stuff, and it will generate a SQL query inside a file for you, or extract data from a csv file and create a SQL query for you.

Nifty tool too in my opinion, so you can easily convert data you entered, or data in a csv file , to a database table. =)

Although you'll need basic understanding of SQL in that case, and it won't be that useful unless you want to enter hundreds, even thousands of values, which would simplify data encoding for you. I made something like that before actually.
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isn't he better off learning C#, VB, or PHP then? Those language are built for working with databases. C++, meh, not so much. It seems archaic compared to others in those terms.
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That is not true, many of the utilities and tools written for database are written in c and c++. It might also help to know that Oracle the enterprise database is totally written in C and so are the applications that support the database.

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