Program Help

This program creates boxes out of the alphabet.

Please enter an integer for the length of one side of the box :4

Cool. So what's the question?
create a square out of the letters of the alphabet shown clockwise. The square can be adjusted depending on the length of the side, given as an integer by the user.
I see. So you are looking for someone to create the whole thing for you. Not me, sorry. If you put some effort in this, people will be more willing to help you out.
I just needed help because I am new at programming. You don't have to be rude.
Oh that's not rude at all, I can assure you that. Many others have received in fact much more crude responses. Mine was actually a very polite one. Feel free to browse some of the forum threads. Chances are you'll see another person asking for their homework to be done by others.

So you have two options: You can play victim here (which you appear to be doing right now; you even reported my post) or you can sit down and write the skeleton of the program and then post that skeleton and ask for specific help. Example: "I can make the box, but I cannot make the letters go clockwise". That's understandable.

On the other hand, if you are struggling with the basics of C++ to the point where you cannot even write the skeleton, the proper question from you would be "Where can I get help on basic C++?", and then you would have received similar responses saying "read a C++ tutorial, here's one...", etc.

So feel free to weigh your choices and see which one is more productive for you. Personally, I'd just sit down and try my best, and if I cannot finish, I'd come to this forum and ask for specific help, but never for the whole thing. But I guess that's just me.

Happy programming and Happy Holidays.
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