Help with my c++ problem (Not asking to DO my homework, just asking for HELP with it)

ok,so i have given an assignment and i don't know where to start. Here it is:

Write a program to help a local restaurant automate its breakfast billing system. The program should do the following.
a) Show the customer the different breakfast items offered by the restaurant.
b) allow the customer to select one item and the amount of item purchased from the menu.
c)calculate and print the bill.

so assume the bill is liek this:
a) coffee 2.50
b) tea 3.50
and so on...

here are the function that i have to do:
show the menu, calculate the total and print check

and the sample output:
coffee 2 4.90
tax 0.25

amount due 5.15

so my question is, do i have to use 2-D array or just use simple coding? i'm still learning about 2-d/multidimensional array so i just curious whether i should use 2d array or not because this question is a bit vague for me. If so, please guide me - give me a hint or something.

Break it into sections you can handle:

1) Show the customer the different breakfast items offered by the restaurant.

Use cout to display text

2) allow the customer to select one item and the amount of item purchased from the menu.

Use cin twice, once for item, once for amount

3) calculate and print the bill.

Bill is (price per item) * (number of items), easy peasy

I see no need for any arrays at all.
Oh, i see. So no need array, huh? Well, thank you for your reply, Sir.
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