Where to start?

Dear all,

I am not sure what are the difference between C++, visual studio C++, C#, visual basic.

Which one is the most common one? Which one is for beginner? Are they the same ?

For one thing, Visual Studio C++ isn't a language.
Microsoft Visual C++ is an IDE specifically for C++; Microsoft Visual Studio is an IDE for multiple languages.
C++, C# and Visual Basic are different languages. They all have their purposes.
Ok listen visual studio is an IDE (Integrated Development Enviornment) you can say a tool for implementing C++, While C, C++ and C# are languages, but C and C++ are not graphical while C# is more graphical .....
In order to get an answer about what language to learn you must make your question more specific.

Why would you need the language?
Just to introduce you into programming? To create games? To create application?

C is more or less a subset of C++ (or the reverse C++ is superset of C) which means C++ normally executes C code but not the inverse. Take into consideration that each one have different approach. They are both considered general purpose middle level programming language (meaning they provide some functionality of the assembly and some of the upper level languages like fortran, basic etc).

Basic is upper level language which mean you control your machine for a point and beyond. This is not as bad as it sounds since normally it would be satisfactory (and sometimes easier) to use it. To put it in other words , normally you don't have to bother about your bits but in C/C++ if you want you can.

I don't know a lot about C# but I think C# is a microsoft language used mainly to create visual application and is especially designed for that. I think it has some bound with visual objects so it is easy to create application with GUI etc. It's a different language thatn C/C++. With a lot similarities but different. It's considered more specific purposed language than C/C++.

Common in a programming language is relevant. In which area you may ask is more common. Depending on your purpose there are languages more or less (or zero) adequate for your job.

So what do you intend to do with your language?
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