removing OR ignoring an object from array


I've made an array of objects of monsters

Monster myMonsterList[10];
which i initialise to have x and y co-ordinates, later in the code, i need to "kill" the monsters, so my question is how do I ignore or delete part of the array.

this is where the monster moves randomly

for(int i=0; i < 10; i {

this is where i "kill" it

for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if(x == myMonsterList[i].getX() && y == myMonsterList[i].getY()) {
cout << "Monster Killed!!!" << endl;

(my tutor recommended a boolean of alive and dead, if so how would i initialise this when making the monsters)
I agree with your tutor. Another way would be to remove each dead monster from the array, in which case I would recommend using a vector. Using a bool to indicate alive or dead you would simply initialize it to true in the constructor-function, and then set it to false when the monster dies.
I guess it's a course about arrays so vector is out of the question?

If so then a bool flag is the best (and more easy) choice. Just check it before moving your monster
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