Trouble with this assignment

I cant see what I'm doing wrong here, I'm trying to write a program with a function that removes the string trailing blanks.

Example: "C++ Programming " would become "C++ Programming"
"Programming is fun " would become "Programing is fun"

using the function
char *(char* str)

Here is what I have so far, but I cant get it to work properly

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

const int Size=80;

char *ptr;
char sentence[Size];
char *dynamicArr;
int j = 0;

int length;

char *clipArray(char array[])

length= strlen(array);

for(int i=length-1; array[i]== ' '; i--)
if(array[i] == ' ')

dynamicArr = new char [length-j];

for (int i = 0; i < length-j; i++)
dynamicArr[i] = array[i];
//cout << "length: " << length << endl;
//cout << "array: " << array << endl;

cout << dynamicArr;
return dynamicArr;

int main()
cout << "Enter sentence\n";
cin.getline(sentence, Size);
//cout << clipArray(sentence);
char *ptr;
//cout << *ptr << endl ;

return 0;
It seems to be working fine. What are your complaints?
Also, when you post code, put it in [code] tags.
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