Problems with game design

Alright, so I feel I am doing alright at grasping code. I understand various types of variables, and operators. I have a good understanding of functions, and classes. I understand the concepts of inheritance, and a little bit of polymorphism. I understand what pointers do(though, I still don't understand when to use them...I'm guessing when I need to call a method or member of another class inside of a method. I get the general concept of OOP. I get the idea of loops, if statements, ect. I also have worked through the first 15-20 of so of Lazy Foo's SDL tutorials, and I'm grasping whats going on there.So, I guess heres where I desire help. I've also read through the coursebook (C++ For Everyone 2nd by Horstmann) for the Into to comp programming class I begin in January. ( I got my book early), I understand the code examples, I just am constantly getting stuck on the programming exercizes when I have to create it myself from scratch.

I really feel the issue is not "Paper/penciling" it out enough before starting to code, and really just lacking on problem solving skills and a "game development mindset/approach."

I have yet to actually complete a project. I know I'm getting stuck "copying syntax" and though I understand it, I'm just having a hard time applying it to anything useful. (I.E. I can make my character run all over the screen, but can't seem to figure out how to get the projectile to leave him and shoot off towards the enemy in a Space invaders type game) I continuelly get stuck after I try to add something thats not in said tutorials/modify it to acomplish what I'm trying to do. I think my problem is I understand the syntax bit, but not the actual game development. Do you know of any resources to help me with this?

I'm hoping to follow a path of development starting with a couple of simple one level games, and eventually progress onto a very "simplistic" 3d RPG made with models from blender(probably with OpenGL), as well as a MUD/MUCK/MUSH type game to learn Networking/has always been a dream of mine.)

Thanks for reading my long rant, and many much more thanks for any guidance!
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