Create Directory in Text Editor

Hello everyone,
I am writing a simple Text Editor. At the end of the program, I want to output a *.txt file in a directory the user wants. I know that in order to create directory and subdirectories, I can use this:

SHCreateDirectory(NULL, L"D:\\test\\example");

I want the user to create directories himself. Such as:
string link;
and user can type: D:\\test\\example

I wonder how I can connect the variable link with the command SHCreateDirectory. Or can I use another command ?

Thanks for your help
Pass it as the second parameter.

SHCreateDirectory(NULL, link.c_str());

You have to use c_str() because the function expects a char array, not a std::string.
Thanks, I am trying to do this:

void main()
string link;
SHCreateDirectory(NULL, link.c_str());

It returns error: argument of type "const char*" is incompatible with parameter of type "LPCWSTR"
Use std::wstring in that case or use MultiByteToWideChar() API.
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