Installing New Library, How ?

I got one library, it's downloaded as a RAR file with following things inside :

[DIR] images3
[DIR] include : Contains 218 .h (header) files.
[DIR] libs : Contains 4 .lib files.


How can I install this library to VS 2010. ?

Thanks in advance.

And I also wants to know the library needed to scan all files in a folder and get the filename so I could rename them inside the software. This should be a batch renamer. Thank you :) 1 click rename everything with the settings I must custom it myself so I just want to file-to-file get name and rename it :D
Stick all the files somewhere you won't forget.

Write your code. Have fun #include ing the *.h files you need. I expect VS will want you to "add them to the project" or some such.

Look through the project properties and find the list of *.lib files. Add your new ones to the list.
Look through the project properties and find the list of directories it will search for *.lib files. Add your new directory (the one I told you to remember) to the list.
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