
I have been doing C++ programming for like a week now and have a few questions. To start off, I am a 12 year old coder that wants to start a company. I am lead of it, and learning C++, and my friend is doing HTML. Any tips on what to do?
As far as I know, in the shareware days, (80s-90s,) people would just make up a company name, and give a mailing address where to send the money to register. (That is done with PayPal nowadays.)

If you want to be official, you can probably ask about a business license at City Hall. (They're under $20 here.)

It might be easier if you tried doing it the way Notch did. (Maker of Minecraft, this is how kids on the show "BizKid$" do it too.) Make a product first, and if it becomes successful, create a company.

What kind of company were you thinking of? What kind of goods or services would you be providing? (Eg; selling software you make, or writing code for others?)

If you're going to make a site for your product/company, you'd probably want a domain name. (something.com) Which are around $7-$9 a year. (And find a free web host or something.)

I'm not an expert at starting a company or anything. But usually most companies are made by having a product they want to mass produce. (Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak with the Apple I, for example.) With software it's easier with the Internet. But you'll want a product to sell first.
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Thanks for the answer.
I am going to sell software but right now I am focusing on learning, so what should i do? And does anyone think this is possible for me to be the next computer fad? I.E Apple, Microsoft, IBM
Anything is possible. :) Jobs and Woz started selling their Apple I to other members of a homebrew computer club. A business man (can't recall the name at the moment,) came along and invested a lot of money to help them start a company.

It might take a while, or it might come along quickly depending on if your product is something people are very interested in.
yeah. i want to make a game to test my c++ skills.
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