need coding within 12 hours...:(

Pages: 12
@Dstrayex: the issue with ascii's code is that he didn't inline some assembly, so it's not as efficient as it could have been. It will still get an A for sure tho.
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Lol, yes. I went out of my way to make that program awful. If you read it, I have useless macros, the loop in lines 17-18 does nothing because I just set c to EOF anyways (not that there was even a need for a c variable, I just added it in to make things more confusing), I unnecessarily copy the value of i to a random variable named max (I could have just said int max = MAXSTARS and be done with it), and pass some random useless parameters to printstars(). The copy functiion was pointless as well. In printstars, I dynamically allocate each individual star, for some random reason check to make sure that max isn't EOF, and so on. In between the two loops I do some more stupid crap like copying a variable 0x103F (4159 in base 10) times for no reason other than "copy a lot of times to make sure it work." Lines 46-48 are random bit wise operations that leave max completely unchanged, and I copy the value of max to temp again to be stupid. In the next loop I do pretty much the same thing as the first, dynamically allocating each star for no reason. At the end of the function I return max with all of the bits flipped for no real reason. This is all made to make the program as inefficient and stupid as possible because well... it's funny, and when people come to these forums begging for us to make programs for them it's giving them the finger.
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@ascii: Of course I'm kidding. I was trying to convince the OP to hand it in.
Alright, just making sure, sarcasm on the internet doesn't go over well usually :/
Gaminic wrote:
@ascii: Of course I'm kidding. I was trying to convince the OP to hand it in.

I was so hoping for this.
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