Problem with custom functions

I'm working on a little text-based warrior game and tried to run it to test out the functions, and I'm getting a few errors that I don't understand, can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>

//This is all the functions involved in the fighting
//Comments will explain the functions and the stats

int Stat[10];
//Number of stats initialized may change based on what's needed

//Function to determine how much a spell is gonna cast for
//Stat[0] is the minimum that it can cast for, Stat[1] is the maximum
int GetSpellDamage(Stat[0], Stat[1])

Stat[2] = (rand() % Stat[1]) + Stat[0];

return Stat[2];

//Function to determine health lost and energy lost for player
//Stat[0] is Players Starting Health, Stat[1] is Players Starting Energy
//Stat[2] is health lost, Stat[3] is energy lost
//Stat[4] is Players Ending Health, Stat[5] is Players Ending Energy
int GetPlayerStat(Stat[0], Stat[1], Stat[2], Stat[3])
Stat[4] = Stat[0] - Stat[2];
Stat[5] = Stat[1] - Stat[3];

return Stat[4], Stat[5];

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

//Fight.h includes the standard libraries, iostream, cstdlib, and ctime
#include "Fight.h"

int main()
int Stat[2];
string Pause;
Stat[0] = GetSpellDamage(1, 200);
cout << Stat[0] << endl;
Stat[0], Stat[1] = GetPlayerStat(100, 100, 60, 40)
cout << Stat[0] << Stat[1] << endl;
cin >> Pause;

return 0;
everything is indented as it should be, I guess the forum ignored the whitespace
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