C++ Parking garage program help

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this code?

Design and develop a program for Parking-Garage charges. A parking garage uses the following rate for the cars, truck, and bus:

First 3 hours 0.00 after three hour 1.25 per hour
Trucks- first hour 3.75. after 1 hour 4.50 per hour
Buses- first two hours $2.00. after first two hours 2.50 per hour

The program should not accept time that has HH less than 0 or greater than 23, and MM less than zero and greater than 59. Number of minutes should be only accepted as a positive number. Only valid vehicle type “C”, “T”, or “B” should be accepted.

If the total_minutes_parked is greater than 0, then you should round the total_hours_parked to the next hour (add one to it.) YOU MUST USE “FUCTION” calls, “if/else” control structures, and “switch” structures.

//This program calculates charges for a parking garage based on the type of
//vehicle and the time spent in the garage.
//Author: Tonia Clark November 2011.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//constants for rates
#define firstCarRate 0.00 //first rate for cars.
#define secondCarRate 1.25 //second rate for cars.
#define firstTruckRate 3.75 //first rate for trucks.
#define secondTruckRate 4.50 //second rate for trucks.
#define firstBusRate 2.00 //first rate for buses.
#define secondBusRate 2.50 //second rate for buses.

//getInfo Function Prototype.
void getInfo(char *vehicle, int *hourIn, int *minIn, int *hourOut, int *minOut);

//time function prototype.
void time(int hourIn, int minIn, int hourOut, int minOut, int *houtParkTime, int * minParkTime, int *roundedTotal, int *round);

//rate function prototype.
void rate(char vehicle, int *units, float *firstRate, float *secondRate);

//charge function prototype.
void charge(int roundedTotal, int units, float firstRate, float secondRate, float *totalCharge);

//print bill function prototype.
void printBill (char vehicle, int hourIn, int minIn, int hourOut, int minOut, int hourParkTime, int minParkTime, int roundedTotal, float totalCharge);

//global variables
char vehicle;
int units;
int hourIn;
int minIn;
int hourOut;
int minOut;
int hourParkTime;
int minParkTime;
int roundedTotal;
int round;
float firstRate;
float secondRate;
float totalCharge;

int main(void)
getInfo(&vehicle, &hourIn, &minIn, &hourOut, &minOut);
time(hourIn, minIn, hourOut, minOut, &hourParkTime, &minParkTime, &roundedTotal, &round);
rate(vehicle, &units, &firstRate, &secondRate);
charge(roundedTotal, units, firstRate, secondRate, &totalCharge);
printBill(vehicle, hourIn, minIn, hourOut, minOut, hourParkTime, minParkTime, roundedTotal, totalCharge);
return 0;
}//end of main.

//function definition for get info.
void getInfo(char *vehicle, int *hourIn, int minIn, int *hourOut, int *minOut)
cout << "\nType of vehicle? ";
cout << "\n(enter C for car,T for truck or B for bus).";
cin >> vehicle;
//check for valid vehicle type
case 'C': cout << "You entered C.\n";
case 'c': cout << "You entered c.\n";
case 'T': cout << "You entered T.\n";
case 't': cout << "You entered t.\n";
case 'B': cout << "You entered B.\n";
case 'b': cout << "You entered b.\n";
default: cout << "You did not enter a valid vehicle type\n";
cout << "Please Enter C,c,T,t,B, or b\n";


//get the hour that the vehicle entered the garage.
cout << "\nHour vehicle entered garage? ";
cin >> *hourIn;
//validate input for hourIn
if(*hourIn < 0 || *hourIn < 23)
cout << "invalid input. enter an integer between 0 and 23.";


//get the minute that the vehicle entered the garage.
cout << "\nMinute vehicle entered garage? ";
cin >> minIn;
//validate input for minIn.
if(minIn < 0 || minIn > 60)
cout << "invalid input. enter a number between 0 and 60.";

//get the hour vehicle exits garage.
cout <<"\nHour vehicle exits garage? ";
cin >> *hourOut;
//validate input for hourOut.
if(*hourOut < 0 || *hourOut < 23)
cout << "invalid input. enter an integer between 0 and 23.";

//get the minute vehicle exits garage.
cout << "\nMinute vehicle exits garage?";
cin >> *minOut;
//validate input for minOut.
if(minOut < 0 || *minOut > 60)
cout << "invalid input. enter a number between 0 and 60.";

//function definition for time.
void time(int hourIn, int minIn, int hourOut, int minOut, int *hourParkTime, int *minParkime, int *roundedTotal, int *rounded)
if (*minOut < minIn)
minOut = minOut + 60;
hourOut = hourOut - 1;
hourParkTime = hourOut - hourIn;
minParkTime = *minOut - minIn;
if(minParkTime >= 1)
round = hourParkTime + 1;
round = hourParkTime;
roundedTotal = round;
//Function definition for rate.
void rate(char vehicle, int *units, float *firstRate, float *secondRate)
case 'c':
case 'C': units = 3;
firstRate = firstCarRate;
case 't':
case 'T': units = 1;
firstRate = firstTruckRate;
secondRate = secondTruckRate;
case 'b':
case 'B': units = 2;
firstRate = firstBusRate;
secondRate = secondBusRate;

cout << "\nEnter a valid vehicle type.";

//Function definition for charge.
void charge(int roundedTotal, int units, float firtsRate, float secondRate, float totalCharges)
if(roundedTotal <= units)
totalCharge = (roundedTotal * firstRate);
totalCharge = (roundedTotal - units) * (secondRate) + (units * firstRate);


//Function definition for print Bill.
void printBill(char vehicle, int hourIn, int minIn, int hourOut, int minOut, int hourParkTime, int minParkTime, int roundedTotal, float totalCharge)
cout << "Vehicle Type:/t/t"<< vehicle <<endl;
cout << "Time In:/t/t" <<hourIn<<":"<<minIn <<endl;
cout << "Time Out:/t/t" <<hourOut<<":"<<minOut <<endl;
cout << "Total Park Time:/t/t" <<roundedTotal <<endl;
cout << "Total Charge:/t/t" <<totalCharge<<endl;

You've screwed up the braces. This is probably because you didn't lay out your code in a sensible way using indentation, so you have trouble knowing how many { and } you have used. You have 22 of { but only 18 }.

You are definitely missing at least one } before this line, because this is the point at which the compiler can no longer muddle through.
//function definition for time.
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