Array of structures, logic error

Problem with the logic in my function. All other aspects of the program are working. I think it may be the FOR loop but it is accumulating the running total just fine but it is failing to read the high/low temps passed in which seems to be a logic error, just unsure how to fix it.

The main function only calls this function and one to set the data, I can verify each array element has the structure data independently

The function call from within this function is to a simple switch stament which also works.

lowTemp is set to one more than the allowed maximum temperature
highTemp is set to one lower that the allowed minimum temperature

* Definition of function calcData
* Recieve an array of structures than calculate high temp for the
* year, low temp for the year, total rainfall and average rainfall
//FOR ( Each structure in the array )
// Add rainfall to total
// IF (High temp at count is greater than existing high temp )
// Store new high temp and count number
// IF (Low temp at count is less than existing low temp )
// Store new low temp and count number
//Calculate and store average
//Display findings

void calcData ( WeatherData array1[], int size )

int highCount = 0;
int lowCount = 0 ;
double lowTemp = 141 ;
double highTemp = -101 ;
double totalRain = 0.0 ;
double avrgRain = 0.0 ;

for ( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ )
//Running total for rain
totalRain += array1[i].totalRain ;

//Determine years high temp
if ( array1[i].highTemp > highTemp )
highTemp = array1[i].highTemp ;
highCount = i ;

//Determine years low temp
if ( array1[i].lowTemp < lowTemp )
lowTemp = array1[i].lowTemp ;
lowCount = i ;


//Calculate average
avrgRain = totalRain/size ;

//Display the findings
cout << " The total rainfall for the year in inches was : " << totalRain << endl ;
cout << " The Average rainfall for the year in inches : " << avrgRain << endl ;
cout << " " ;
showMonth(highCount) ;
cout << " had the highest temerature of : " << highTemp << endl ;
cout << " " ;
showMonth(lowCount) ;
cout << " had the lowest temperature of : " << lowTemp << endl ;
cout << endl << endl ;

Can you post the rest of the code? Don't see the problem.
My appologies, thought about posting the rest after I was already in the car.

* Date : November 18, 2011
* Problem : 11.4 Weather Stats
* Description : Create a weater data structure to hold weather data
* of total rainfall, high temp, low temp, average temp for 12 months
* Display total rain for the year, average for the year and low and
* high temp and which month they occured in
//Call function for weather data entry
//Call function for calculations and display

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct WeatherData
double totalRain ;
double highTemp ;
double lowTemp ;
double avrgTemp ;

//Function Prototypes
void setData ( WeatherData [] , int ) ;
void showMonth ( int ) ;
void calcData ( WeatherData [] , int ) ;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
const int MONTHS = 12 ;

WeatherData info[MONTHS];


//To recieve info
setData ( info, MONTHS ) ;

//To calculate and display info
calcData ( info, MONTHS ) ;

return 0;

* Definition of function calcData
* Recieve an array of structures than calculate high temp for the
* year, low temp for the year, total rainfall and average rainfall
//FOR ( Each structure in the array )
// Add rainfall to total
// IF (High temp at count is greater than existing high temp )
// Store new high temp and count number
// IF (Low temp at count is less than existing low temp )
// Store new low temp and count number
//Calculate and store average
//Display findings

void calcData ( WeatherData array1[], int size )

int highCount = 0;
int lowCount = 0 ;
double lowTemp = 141 ;
double highTemp = -101 ;
double totalRain = 0.0 ;
double avrgRain = 0.0 ;

for ( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ )
//Running total for rain
totalRain += array1[i].totalRain ;

//Determine years high temp
if ( array1[i].highTemp > highTemp )
cout << array1[i].highTemp ;
highTemp = array1[i].highTemp ;
highCount = i ;

//Determine years low temp
if ( array1[i].lowTemp < lowTemp )
lowTemp = array1[i].lowTemp ;
lowCount = i ;


//Calculate average
avrgRain = totalRain/size ;

//Display the findings
cout << " The total rainfall for the year in inches was : " << totalRain << endl ;
cout << " The Average rainfall for the year in inches : " << avrgRain << endl ;
cout << " " ;
showMonth(highCount) ;
cout << " had the highest temerature of : " << highTemp << endl ;
cout << " " ;
showMonth(lowCount) ;
cout << " had the lowest temperature of : " << lowTemp << endl ;
cout << endl << endl ;


* Definition of function setData
* Recieve an array of structures and populate the fields
//FOR ( Each element in the array
// WHILE ( Rainfall if less than zero )
// Store Rainfall
// WHILE ( Temp is above max )
// Store High Temp
// While ( Temp is below min )
// Store Low Temp
// Calculate and store Average temp

void setData ( WeatherData array1[], int size )
const int MAX_TEMP = 140 ;
const int MIN_TEMP = -100 ;



for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ )
cout << " Please enter total rain for month of " ;
showMonth(i) ;
cout << ": " ;
cin >> array1[i].totalRain ;
cout << endl ;

//Verify zero or higher rain fall amount
while ( array1[i].totalRain < 0 )
cout << " Sorry, no such thing as negative rain fall. " << endl ;
cout << " Please enter total rain for month of " ;
showMonth(i) ;
cout << ": " ;
cin >> array1[i].totalRain ;
cout << endl ;

cout << " Please enter high temperature for month of " ;
showMonth(i) ;
cout << ": " ;
cin >> array1[i].highTemp ;
cout << endl ;

//Verify High temp range
while ( array1[i].highTemp > MAX_TEMP )
cout << " Sorry high temp can not be greater than " << MAX_TEMP << endl ;
cout << " Please enter high temperature for month of " ;
showMonth(i) ;
cout << ": " ;
cin >> array1[i].highTemp ;
cout << endl ;

cout << " Please enter low temperature for month of " ;
showMonth(i) ;
cout << ": " ;
cin >> array1[i].highTemp ;
cout << endl ;

//Verify low temp range
while ( array1[i].lowTemp > MIN_TEMP )
cout << " Sorry low temp must be greater than " << MIN_TEMP << endl ;
cout << " Please enter high temperature for month of " ;
showMonth(i) ;
cout << ": " ;
cin >> array1[i].highTemp ;
cout << endl ;

//Calculate and store average temp
array1[i].avrgTemp = (array1[i].highTemp + array1[i].lowTemp)/2 ;

}//End For


* Defintion of function showMonth
* Recieve a number in a range display appropriate case from a switch
//IF (Number is in range )
// SWITCH (num)
// Display case that matches num

void showMonth ( int num )
const int MIN = 1 ;//Verification for 12 months in a year
const int MAX = 12 ;

num = num+1 ;


if ( num >= MIN && num <= MAX )

case 1 : cout << "January" ;
break ;

case 2 : cout << "February" ;
break ;

case 3 : cout << "March" ;
break ;

case 4 : cout << "April" ;
break ;

case 5 : cout << "May" ;
break ;

case 6 : cout << "June" ;
break ;

case 7 : cout << "July" ;
break ;

case 8 : cout << "August" ;
break ;

case 9 : cout << "September" ;
break ;

case 10 : cout << "October" ;
break ;

case 11 : cout << "November" ;
break ;

case 12 : cout << "December" ;
break ;


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