fgetc() - returning (int) 54 instead of (char) 6


I am a newbie, hope someone can help me.

(Section 1)
I have a text file with one line of numbers: 6123456123456123

(Section 2)
Here is my code to read and print the file:

FILE *fp = fopen("myFile.txt", "r");
int firstInt;
int counter = 6
firstInt = fgetc(fp);
printf("First character of this text file is: %i", firstInt)

if (firstInt == counter)
printf("firstInt equal counter"); // <<< This part is important for me, I want to be able to compared firstInt to counter and if similar print this line.

(Section 3)
Output: First character of this text file is: 54

(Section 4)
My question: why is the return int 54 instead of 6? Obviously it will not print the second line for the reason stated before.

Really hope someone can help me.


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The ASCII value of 6, is 54
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Thanks whitenite1.
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