User Defined Class Program, assistance needed

I have to write a program that meets the following criteria:

Build a class called "grades_record" for storing the grades of each student in this course. This class will have the following integer (int) attributes (suggested variable names in parentheses):

an ID number for the student
grade for Programming Assignment 1 (prog1)
grade for Programming Assignment 2 (prog2)
grade for Programming Assignment 3 (prog3)
grade for Programming Assignment 4 (prog4)
grade for Programming Assignment 5 (prog5)
grade for Programming Assignment 6 (prog6)
grade for the midterm exam (MT)
grade for the final exam (final)
grade for the extrac credit assignment (EC)

Create the following methods:

constructors for a default grade record with ID and all grades set to 0 and for a grade record where all initial values are specified
accessors that return the ID and each grade
mutators that set/edit the ID and each grade
a function that calculates the final, overall score based on the formula:
final_score = prog1 + prog2 + prog3 + prog4 + 10*prog5/15 + prog6 + 20*MT/100 + 20*final/100 + EC

Once the class is set up, create a main function that calculates and outputs the final, overall score for the following students, along with their IDs:

Jack: ID(10012), prog1(10), prog2(10), prog3(8), prog4(8), prog5(9), prog6(10), MT(70), final(90), EC(0)
Jill: ID (11247), prog1(10), prog2(10), prog3(9), prog4(10), prog5(8), prog6(8), MT(70), final(85), EC(5)
Max: ID(10966), prog1(10), prog2(0), prog3(0), prog4(5), prog5(0), prog6(8), MT(60), final(50), EC(0)

I have the class file written, my issue is, how do I code the Main file? I'm not really certain on how one goes about calling the function and setting values etc. Help would be appreciated!

Below is what I have for my class .h and .cpp file-

.h file:
class grades_record
int IDJack,IDJill,IDMax, assignment1, assignment2, assignment3, assignment4,assignment5, assignment6,MT,FINAL,EC;

double final_grade;
int getIDJack(), getIDJill(),getIDMax();
void setIDJack(double newIDJack), setIDJill(double newIDJill),setIDMax(double newIDMax);
double getprog1(),getprog2(),getprog3(),getprog4(),getprog5(),getprog6(),getMT(),getfinal(),getEC();
void setprog1(double newprog1), setprog2(double newprog2),setprog3(double newprog3),setprog4(double newprog4),setprog5(double newprog5),setprog6(double newprog6),setMT(double newMT),setfinal(double newfinal),setEC(double newEC);
double grades_record::finalgrade();



for my .cpp file:

# include "grades_record.h"
# include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int grades_record::getIDJack()
return IDJack;

int grades_record::getIDJill()
return IDJill;

int grades_record::getIDMax()
return IDMax;

double grades_record::getprog1()
return assignment1;

double grades_record::getprog2()
return assignment2;

double grades_record::getprog3()
return assignment3;

double grades_record::getprog4()
return assignment4;


double grades_record::getprog5()
return assignment5;

double grades_record::getprog6()
return assignment6;

double grades_record::getMT()
return MT;

double grades_record::getfinal()
return FINAL;

double grades_record::getEC()
return EC;


void grades_record::setIDJack(double newIDJack)


void grades_record::setIDJill(double newIDJill)


void grades_record::setIDMax(double newIDMax)

void grades_record::setprog1(double newprog1)
void grades_record::setprog2(double newprog2)
void grades_record::setprog3(double newprog3)
void grades_record::setprog4(double newprog4)
void grades_record::setprog5(double newprog5)
void grades_record::setprog6(double newprog6)
void grades_record::setMT(double newMT)
void grades_record::setEC(double newEC)
void grades_record::setfinal(double newfinal)
double grades_record::finalgrade()
double x;
x=assignment1+assignment2+assignment3+assignment4+(10*assignment5/15)+assignment6+(20*MT/100)+(20*FINAL/100)+ EC;
return x;
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