What's next?


I'm going to keep learning C++ console programming for awhile, but I'd like to know what roads are open to me now. I have a lot of the basics in my head. Loops, ifs, switches, pointers, pass by reference, passing pointers into arguments, arrays...

I'm starting to get the hang of it.

wrestled with making a dll file until I actually achieved it, lol.

so now what. I can't keep programming console programs until I'm an old man. That's no fun...

What does one do after they have most of the basics they need....

what else is beyond the console, but not so far beyond that I couldn't learn it?
well I'm still on console programing as you, now a little bit more and I'll move onto socket programing and GUI.
using winsock and QT.

that's another one year of lerning, whatever you choose you'll have to speend years to learn new things.
like openGL for example if ur targeting to game development.

cheers :D
Hey, I actually have QT too.. I'm really interested in learning how to use it. I'm getting a book on that here soon. What is socket programming?
socket programing or network programing to be more precize is as it says: network protocols TCP UDP etc...
using sockets you can create network application like "skype" or FTP client tool for example.
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