Data structures using c++

I am pretty comfortable with c++ interms of decision loops, for loops, clases and objects, inheritance, pointers.

So my question is : is this knowledge enough to move on to data structures i.e.,qeueus,linked lists, heap, binary trees,sorting, searching, hashing etc?
I'm in a C++ programming class now and I'm considering registering for the data structures class for the next semester. With my knowledge of c++, is it possible to understand the material and produce reasonably decent programs for implementing data structures?
i'm not an experienced programmer either,but i think what u know is quite enough.
data structures usually are not hard to understand,u might want to know a little bit about graph theory
before trying to implement heaps or similar data structures,but it's not that much of a requierment anyway.
Thank You very much, masterash.

Well, graph theory is also included in the data structures course I believe. So hopefully,I should be ok. My only concern was too advanced programming skills requirement for implementing data structures.
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