The program Heatwave quit working

The program Heatwave by Jasmio is a plug-in for win 7 media center. It gets it's rss feed from, but changed something and is no longer free. So I need to change it to's rss feed. I no absolutely nothing about C+.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Guppy
Something like this cannot be solved with c++ by someone new to c++. If you happened to get started and showed us your code we could help troubleshoot it and give advice, however we will not be developing an application for you to customize media center.
Ok, So I know that I am probably biting off more than I can chew here, but curiosity is getting to me. What program do I need to open and view the source code of this .msi file?

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I think you are pulling my leg, but to be honest I was all excited until I actually tried it. It is just a bunch of scrambled text. lol
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