Using a generic stack class

Hi there, I'm trying out templates, and I've been getting the following compiler error where I declare a template:

Stack2.h:5: error: expected '>' before numeric constant

Can someone please point me in the right direction?

/* stack2.h */

#define CAPACITY 100

template <typename T, size_t CAPACITY = 100>
class Stack {
T data_[CAPACITY]; // an array of 100 elements
size_t size_; // the max number of elements
// precondition: full() must be false
void push(int n) { // puts n into the stack
data_[size_++] = n;

T top() { // returns the array value that is on top of the stack
return data_[size_];

bool full() {
return (size_ == CAPACITY-1);

void pop() {

bool empty() {
return (size_ == 0);

size_t size() {
return size_;

Stack():size_(0) { } // member initializer size_t = 0

}; // end class stack

/* stack2.cpp */

#include <iostream>
#include "Stack2.h"
using namespace std;

int main() {

Stack<long, CAPACITY> s; // a variable of type Stack

// populate the stack with numbers 1-100
if (!s.full())
for (long i = 0; i < CAPACITY; i++)

// display the data
while (!s.empty()){
cout << << endl;

return 0;
} // end function main
It's because of this: #define CAPACITY 100
which leads to template <typename T, size_t 100 = 100>

so either you rename the #define or the template parameter
Thanks, coder777, that was exactly it. I changed the template parameter.
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