
Design a program that will allow a user to Input a list of your family members along with their age and state where they reside. Determine and print the average age of your family and print the names of anyone who live in Texas.

can someone put this question in pseudocode.
conditions := {"allow user to input list of family members, their ages, and their states of residence", 
    "print average age of family members", 
    "print names of anyone who lives in Texas"};
design (program, conditions);

Not what you wanted? (We don't solve homework problems for people here for the simple reason that you probably wouldn't get much out of our answers aside from [perhaps] a good grade).

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Well said Albatross, I may be a newbie but I would prefer to try on my own and fail, and then seek advice. Also for sabboja, you really need to understand pseudocode if you really want to make things easier on yourself. There is no right or wrong with pseudocode, it is a template for you to build from and to avoid common mistakes. =+}
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