C++ Search path confusion.

Hello all.
I'm trying to build a DLL which uses functions from someone else's code.
I use an include statement with a path (the entire path from the C drive) to include a header file, but this header file contains lots of includes with only partial paths, which I think arent on the search path. Is there a way I could change the VC++ search path so I could tell it where to look for these files?
I'm using Visual C++ 2010 Express edition version 4.0.30319.
My apologies if question is poorly phrased or quite obvious, many thanks for your help.
Yes, you can do that at two places : in the IDE global options (Tools>Options>...), you can add search paths for headers, libraries,... on in the options of your project (Project>Properties>...) if those search paths are specific to this project.
I'm using VS2005 so i can't tell you the exact menus for your VS2010
Excellent, that's solved it.
Many thanks for your help
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