Display picture

Hey, I'm kind of a noobie to c++ and I just want to know how do I display a picture in a Win32 Console Application?
The console is for simple text i/o. It is not designed for graphics. If you want to display a picture, you are better off creating an actual window and not using the console.

There are libraries around which make this easier. What kind of program are you trying to make?
I want to be able to make a game.
closed account (10oTURfi)

Then this is the place to go.
The only kind of picture you can display using a console is ascii art.

Is this what you want?
I want to be able to make a game.

You do not want a console window for this. You want a library.

See this: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/articles/28558/

Krofna's link will get you started.
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