HowTo edit CODE::BLOCKS Install Directory?

How do I edit the CODE:BLOCKS Installation Directory? I've been searching this online for answers with NO results!

Help please if you know.
It depends on how you mean. Do you want to change the install directory or change the directories to which Code::Blocks links to or something else?
Hi Danny. I think its the second one. Here I'm trying to follow the tutorial for the static library guide.

But I don't how to do that. Can you help me?
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Unfortunately, I do not think that I can help you as the instructions on the SFML site are pretty much as good as one could find. However, I would be glad to try. First thing, what are you having troubles with?
Like in here

Copy the SFML development files to your Code::Blocks installation directory

Copy SFML-x.y\include\SFML to the \include directory of your Code::Blocks installation (so that you obtain include\SFML)
Copy the *.a files in SFML-x.y\lib to the \lib directory of your Code::Blocks installation

What does it mean put the SFML\include\sfml into the include directory of my code::blocks installation???

does it mean put the "FOLDER SFML/INCLUDE/SFML" in the directory? I did it and it didn't even work.

I want to use static library of the SFML but I don't know how
What it means is take the SFML include directory (that is the "include" file that comes with SFML) and put it in the include directory of Code::Blocks (that's the "include" directory that comes with Code::Blocks). You have to do something similar for the *.a files, but instead just copy the files themselves, as opposed to the entire folder, to the "lib" directory of Code::Blocks. I haven't "installed" SFML on this computer (yet), and it's been a while since I installed it on my computer at home, so I'm a bit rusty, but instead of copying the files into their respective directories, I think you can just copy the entire SFML folder into the Code::Blocks directory (MinGW if you want) and just link from the options menu in Code::Blocks.

For a better understanding and more help, please check the SFML forums out:

They are more towards the SFML side of the fence and will be better suited to your needs than myself (that sounded/ read a little more awkward that I would have liked...).
Thank you , Danny Toledo! I've been trying to find the solution to this problem for hours upon hours.

I'm still quite confused because there is no include directory in CODE::BLOCKS. I placed everything in the MinGW instead. But, when I did that, it always asks for my "DLL" files. I want to make it a static library but it just won't let me.

But thanks anyways, Danny. :) 5 stars to you!
lol, My apologies, it's supposed to be in the MinGW include folder (as that is where the compiler is/ should be).

As for the *.dll thing, I would ask the forum at SFML if I were you, I myself was never able to figure it out (then again, I never figured anything out). The simple solution is obviously just copying and pasting each one that you need each time you need it.

For now I bid you well with your SFML adventure.
Thank you , Danny. i figured out my problem. What i'm doing is meant for use of the DLL files. I thought I was making it static; i was wrong.

I think I'm on the right track now. Thanks for everything!
Glad to help :)
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