Write a program that asks for a user first name and last name separately.
The program must then store the users full name inside a single string and out put it to the string.
John Smith
★ Modify the program so that it then replaces every a, e, i , o, u w/ the letter z.
John Smith -> Jzhn Smzth
★★ Modify the Program so that it reverses the users name
John Smith -> htimS nhoJ
I would start by asking the user for their first name.
Then ask them for their second name.
Then combine both names in a single string.
Then output that string.
What will you gain if we just tell you the answer? Most likely, nothing. I don't mean this as an insult to your learning capabilities, but rather as a reference to a bit of common knowledge among wise tutors that giving solutions rarely helps the student learn.