Need help - looping through a text file

Hey guys I'm trying to read in data from a text file using a loop. The text file has 2 types of data - a bank account id and the balance for each account.

We had to define a class (with constructors, setters/getters, and destructors) and now I'm at the end of the assignment. How would I read the data for each account from the file, then create an object with the Class that I defined to use that data. I want to store the object in an array.

Hey guys i need help to create textbox in my window application am new to c++ win32
Abaybay: Perhaps you should start your own thread for that:)

hoodNinja: What do you need to know specifically? Are you having trouble with file IO? Or are you wondering how to store the data in a class?
One problem is IOStream/fstream can only load strings from files.
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