I want to know what is more acceptable in companies, java or c++?
when you prefer one on the other language?
and what about python? any comparison between python and C++ (and java)?
It really depend on the company core business. If company is doing trading system, then most likely C++. If it is doing some online B2B system, then likely Java. In general, mission critical and time precision heavy systems are in C++. Others Java will suffice. However there are exceptions to this rule. I last was interviewed on a job and seems on-board systems on aircraft is using Ada! So there you have it, Ada running programs on-board air-craft should be safe ?!
I would group interpreted and compiled languages. So Python is under the interpreted camp and I would compare it to Perl, Sed, Awk or even PHP instead. Contrary to my belief, a lot of Unix/Linux scripts are still using good old bash,korn,c etc shell coupled with sed and awk. Only more recent scripts I see Perl in use. As for Python, in my country it seems not yet take off I also dunno why.