Non-Text File I/O

Just a small question: When you open up almost any non-text file, all you get is completely incomprehensible gibberish. I assume that's because it's not stored as a bunch of ASCII/ANSI/another text format, but as something else.

Could someone tell me how I would go about reading these?

You're correct.

Depends on the file format- anything in particular you're interested in?
Yes, I'm want to import models into OpenGL...probably .md5 or similar...

I actually just had a quick look then just to make sure that I wasn't about to ask how to read .md5 if it was the first thing that comes up on a Google search, (when I just Google OpenGL model loading the results and it actually comes up, though I am still interested because I am the sort of person that, when possible, doesn't use libraries...I prefer to code my own stuff instead of spending ages memorizing tonnes of stuff :\
Use libraries. Seriously.
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