For one assignment we had to "Read in a users score (valid input is 0 - 100)
output a letter grade using the standard grading scale". I did that just fine. Then we had to take the grade program with letter grades as input and convert it to a switch. I did that but now for this third assignment I'm stuck.
"Using a switch statement, accept a letter grade from a student. Based on that letter grade, ask a student for their numerical grade. Test to make sure the numerical grade is in the range of the letter grade - if it is, then tell them how many points they are away from the next higher grade, otherwise give them an error."
enum Grades{A=65,B,C,D,E,F}; // note the E you won't use but it makes the enum work
enum lowGrades{a=97,b,c,d,e,f}; // similar to the above
/* Receive user's inputs both Letter and grade*/
numLetter=(int)Letter; // this should convert the char type 'letter' to an integer
switch (numLetter) {
case 65:
case 97: { if(grade>90&&grade<=100){ /* evaluation of next highest grade*/}
else{ cout<<"The grade is not in range..."} ; break; }
/* Repeat similar cases for b-f [skip E] */
// alternatively you could use cases as follows for the A type grades.
case A:
case a: { /* copy and paste the same operations */
// This would allow for the use of the letters in the actual switch cases because the enum
// assigns an actual number to them.
Does this satisfy your requirements?
The numbers assigned to the A and a in their respective enumeration groups come from the standard ascii table.