use vcl or clx?

When I try to make a console program, I go to file, new, other, console wizard, and it gives me the option to 'use vcl' and 'use clx'. I have used the default 'use clx' this whole time and find that some code i find here when copied and pasted will not compile with the errors:
[C++ Warning] Unit1.cpp(113): W8004 'c' is assigned a value that is never used
[Linker Error] Unresolved external '__InitVCL' referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\BORLAND\CBUILDER6\LIB\CP32MTI.LIB|crtlvcl
[Linker Error] Unresolved external '__ExitVCL' referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\BORLAND\CBUILDER6\LIB\CP32MTI.LIB|crtlvcl

I googled it and it says to check 'use vcl' and uncheck 'multithreaded' 

I also have always had 'multithreaded' clicked(by default).

Any clues on what any of this is or why I would click on any of it? I googled 'use vcl' and 'use cxl', and cant make heads or tails of what comes up.

when you get unresolved symbols it means the libraries aren't linked to your code, or couldn't be found by the compiler/linker.

VCL may not have a multi-threads version of the library thus your program will not have multi-thread access. It appears that Borland 6 isn't c++11 yet, which has multi-thread stuff as part of the default library.
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