OpenGL Models

I was wondering if anyone could at least point me in the right direction. With OpenGL when you want to load a model, you have to create your own loader, right? I haven't got the slightest clue how to do that. I've looked it up and they have them displayed as these rather simple (sort of) looking things, though if you open it in Notepad or Notepad++ you just see a massive mess. I've also had a look into engines like Irrlicht, though I don't find the tutorial very...clear and also, I prefer to have a rather basic set of instruction that work, and make my own thing rather than having to memorize millions of commands for some engine.

Thanks for any help
I think I've found some things...I'll keep this here though in case someone comes up with some great link/answer.
you will need GLUT ( the OpenGL Utilities Toolkit) from:

tutorials from: this site i used alot for my computer games technology degree, if you want to get into OpenGL to these tutorials are are great place to start, lots of sample code and detail :D ( all the code from here is pretty much downloadable for C++ with a wide range of compilers) this is another good one.

hope this helps on getting you started
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