really need help

I just started to study the C++ Programming Language. I'm done with the condition statements and jump statements. An idea came to my mind to create a simple program
that will determine if the input is a character or integer.
For example, the program asks you "How old are you?" and then you input a character (A-Z), the program will output "Your input is a Character."
Same as, if the program asks you "Choose a letter from A-Z" and then you input a integer (0-9), the program will output "Your input is a Integer."

Your reply will be a really big help to me as I study C++.

I remember doing this myself :D

Every character has a value from 0 to 255. You will need to find out which values are numbers and which ones are letters. (They are grouped)

Good luck :)
Do you want to check which inputs are letters and which aren't?

There's a header file for that.

Yeah, I'm referencing an apple advert...
I'm ashamed.

(Thank you hanst for pointing out my mistake.)
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Actually, everything you get as input are characters, you just want to distinguish between letters and digits. Just check if the value of the char is between (inclusive) '0' and '9' - then it's a digit. If it's between 'a' and 'z' OR between 'A' and 'Z' then it's a letter.
You can compare ASCI table's values.
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