Ben Duncan is right. The quicksort algorithm contains vectors but this is the fastest an understable algorithm I know so...I'll learn the vectors for it, if I am in your place.
Here I go:
This is the quicksort - function (you can implement it in main but is more clear this way).
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void quicksort(int v[100], int left, int right)
int i, j, mid, aux;
mid=v[(left+right)/2]; // the initialization of the pivot - variable
if(i<=j) //the condition for the interchange operation
v[i]=v[j]; // the interchange operation
if(left<j) //recursion
quicksort(v, left, j); // in the left side
quicksort(v, i, right); // in the right side
The rest of the program is like this:
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using namespace std;
void quicksort(int v[100], int left, int right); //function prototype
int v[100], i, n;
int main()
{ cout<<"n=";
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
{ cout<<"v["<<i<<"]=";
quicksort(v, 1, n);
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
{ cout<<v[i]<<" ";
return 0;
And after that, you have to write the function quicsort which is below.
The mechanism is very simple: the algorithm "split" the vector in two parts (at the beginning) and then he sorts the numbers in those 2 parts. Then, with the recursion, the vector is "split" in more parts and the mechanism continues. I said "split" with quotes because the vector is not split (for real), the algorithm just works with a part of it.
Check this: Is a plugin (a kind of game) wrote in Java. It helps you to understand more those algorithms. There are 3 or 4 algorithms (Buble-sort, Insert sort, quicksort and another one...I don't remember it right now). If you didin't understand something, tell me.