where to put data files for vc++ before compile


i downloaded a tutorial from the net and compiled it. when i ran it in vc++ 2010 express IDE, the program terminated with out reading the data file. here is my setup:

the source: C:\Users\rob\Downloads\download from the Net\lesson06
the project:C:\Users\rob\DevC++ source\MSVC++\freeglut\NeHe\texture_cube
the data file: C:\Users\rob\DevC++ source\MSVC++\freeglut\NeHe\texture_cube\Data
but after i tried to run it in the IDE, the program terminated because it could not find the file in Data.(Data is a folder and contains nehe.bmp)
where should i place the Data folder?
what i did was to compile the source and then go to the release or debug folder and copy the data file next to the exe file. but i want to know where to put the data when compiling from the IDE.
please help. this happen a lot and i want to do the right way.
the program source is NeHe production tutorial lesson 6.


You just have to stick it with the .exe or provide the path to the file. There isn't any other way really.
hi firedraco:

is there a way to provide the path to the file in project property? i checked the all the options of the property manager, i did not find a way to provide path to the data file.
thank for reply.
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