Once again, Y/N?

Hello to all,

How do I avoid the enter after either Yes or No? I am using cin in C++ but is there another way to avoid having to use the enter after the Y or N?

Thanks in advance,

I suppose you are talking about a console application, and you want something like


Where the user does not have to press "Enter" after entering the Y sign?

If you're using windows, you may have a header called <conio.h> that provides a function called getch() that does just that.


That header is not part of the standard though, it would be better if you'd just let the user press enter.
Thanks hanst99,

It worked. I see your point but since this program will not go anywhere except with me I will rather use the getch() on this one.

Thanks again,

One last one please,

How do I do an infinite loop until any keyboard key is depressed? What function???


Never mind, I founded "while (!_kbhit())"


JSYK, that while loop is CPU-intensive. Better to use one of the OS wait functions, like I did here (with my waitforkeypress() functions).


Good luck!
Also, it's not an infinite loop if it ends... right?

Also, it's not an infinite loop if it ends... right?

I see your point, but I also usually call my loops "infinite" if the number of iterations is actually "indefinite".
I was just being a smartass :)
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