First HW in C++, please help

I have not written too much yet, but my program keep facing syntax error during rebuild.I don't understand why the error would come out. Could anyone please help. I used VS 2010.

State what exactly errors you got. Either post the most relevant part of your code here, or all of it in a site like pastebin.
Your problem is that you are missing a } in Form1.h . Also, I get an error about Application not being a class or namespace, but I can't help with that since I've never used C++/CLI. Maybe what you want is System::Application ? (guessing). Also, there was an error about "gcnew Form1()", which should have been "gcnew HW1::Form1()"
why was that reported?..
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Thanks for your reply. I saw the same things in the VS output. The problem is that VS said I miss a } in Form1.h, but I could not figure it out where I should add another } . I also get the same error message of namespace, but I don't know what I should change in order to fix it.

I am very new in C++, just like a new driver. I know I need to speed up the car in highway, but I don't know which one is the gas pedal and I don't know what should I do with the gas pedal in order to keep at 80 mph.

The } is needed at the very end of the file. There are things in most IDEs that help you with finding things like that. When you select one brace, its match is marked. Also, automatic formatting may show that there are problems. You should get used to finding such problems and writing your code in a way that they are easier to find.
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