About dimensions.

let's say

a = 1, 2, 3;
funnyfunc(x) = a*x;

then y = funnyfunc(2);
if i cout that it will be

2 4 and 6

now what if i want x to be 1, 2, 3 too? how i do that?
at x = 1 output 1 2 3
at x = 2 output 2 4 6
at x = 3 output 3 6 9
a = 1,2,3;?

What is a and how is holding 3 values?
What is x?
a is an array of 1 row 3 columns.
closed account (zb0S216C)
I don't understand what you're trying to do. Could you please elaborate further, in C++.

If you are looking to transfer arrays; you can do this:

//swapping variables 
temp = grade[1][2][3];     // holding variable
grade[1] = grade[2];
grade[2] = temp;

That's from a website.
I haven't tested it.
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