C++ syntax issue

I am just learning to use xcode/c++ and am going through an example in Xcode development for dummies. YES REALLY!

I have made through one of the examples and have come up across a build problem though my code looks identical to the example provided.

Here is the problem area:

[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]setObject: @”Peace Love Groovy Music” forKey:kWordsOfWisdom];     
    fallingWords = @”Peace Love Groovy Music”; } 
else {......

The build objects to the use of the two "@" syntax elements.
Is this syntax correct?

It seems like it should read something like "@synthesize" or something like that and not just the "@"

Ugh...That's Objective-C if i'm not mistaken.
You'd be better off asking on an Obj-C forum ;)
Yes, that's Objective-C, which is one of C++'s cousins. It's... quite different from C++ in many ways, and yes I would suggest that you try an Objective-C forum instead.

Oh, by the way, thank you so much for using code tags! :)

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